Licensing Court 1909 hearings

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The Licensing Court held a number of hearings in 1909 as the License Reduction Board in Daylesford.

Hotels were examined and a number were forced to close as part of an ongoing program to reduce the number of hotels in Victoria.

The hearings[edit | edit source]

The board sat in March 1910 to consider its next options:

LICENSING ACT. REDUCTION BOARD'S WORK. FIVE DAYLESFORD HOTELS CLOSED. DAYLESFORD, Thursday -The Licenses Reduction Board delivered its decisions in regard to local hotels to-day The chairman announced that the board considered it wise not to attempt to do all the requisite closing at once, but to allow an opportunity of watching the effect of the closures on the accommodation provided in the remaining houses. The board recognised that in tourists' districts attention must be given to the requirements of the non-residential public, who needed hotel accommodation. It had been shown in evidence that 24,000 tourists arrived last year, but many of the hotels had little or no accommodation for that class of people. The board had decided to close the, hotels, which could he done without interfering seriously with public convenience, and would close at the end of the coming December Shaw's Crown, M'Kendry's Prince of Wales, Petersen's Queen's Head, Wood's Royal Oak, and M'Phail's Star. Probably in October the board would sit to assess the compensation to owners and finances, and at the same sitting the board would give an opportunity for the licensees in the in the district affected by the reallotment of lost license fees to be heard on the incidence of the reallotment. Compensation was fixed for the Glasgow Arms Hotel, Eganstown. Mrs Graham, the owner and licensee, withdrew her claim as licensee, md was awarded £208 as owner.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1910 'LICENSING ACT.', The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 11 March, p. 9. , viewed 05 Sep 2021,